Gentle and Effective Chiropractic Care
The professionals at Mountain View Chiropractic and Wellness are trained in traditional and cutting edge therapies to treat a wide range of health issues. Chiropractic care and other therapies work hand in hand to help accentuate the healing process. Coordinated care helps you feel better and function better, FASTER. A particular treatment may help some patients more than others, and you can trust that we will only offer you a treatment that is appropriate for your stage of healing. Rushing into a therapy at the wrong time doesn’t support your journey toward restored good health.

Chiropractic adjustments are safe and comfortable
Some of the services we offer include:
- Manual adjustments
- Activator Method®
- Active Release Techniques®
- Electronic muscle stimulation
- Ultrasound
- Massage Therapy
- Non-surgical spinal decompression
- OTZ Method (One-To-Zero) for Hatcher-Murphy Disorder (frozen shoulder)
Offering the Latest in Chiropractic Care
One-To-Zero Method
Dr. Blaine is one of the few providers in Alaska trained in the OTZ Method to treat frozen shoulder problems. With the OTZ method, many patients experience increased range of motion from the very first treatment. Each patient is unique and has individualized goals for good health. Call us at (907) 357-6688 to find out how the team at Mountain View Chiropractic and Wellness can create a personalized care plan to help you reach your goals.
Mountain View Chiropractic | (907) 357-6688
Your health is in your hands. We are here to help.