What To Expect at Mountain View Chiropractic and Wellness
See If Chiropractic Is for You – Free of Charge!

Welcome to Mountain View Chiropractic and Wellness
Sound too good to be true? It’s not. You see, our office always offers a free consultation at your first visit. See whether chiropractic can help you reach your health goals and whether you’re good candidate for chiropractic care.
Put your mind at ease, knowing that our doctors and our team at Mountain View Chiropractic and Wellness want to ensure you have the best possible experience with an individualized plan that points you toward your goals, not what someone else believes is right for you.
What Will My First Visit Be Like?
Like any doctor’s office, you’ll need to bring your photo ID and your insurance card. You can save some time by completing your new patient paperwork online before your visit. To save additional time, send any additional information to our secure email at info@mtnviewchiropractic.com!
This is where the similarity to other offices ends. The atmosphere at Mountain View Chiropractic and Wellness is different from a standard health care environment. Our staff members are happy to be here and we understand that you may be in pain. Our goal is to get you back to living your life.

X-rays help Dr. Blaine tailor a plan for your needs
Time For Your Exam
You’ll start with Lanie. She’ll perform some diagnostic testing as well as take any X-rays necessary. Next, Dr. Eric will interview you to understand your goals for your care. He’ll examine you, in order to get a complete picture of your current state of health.
Your first visit will last approximately 30 to 40 minutes.
Then What Happens?
At your second visit, Dr. Eric will present a report of findings. Over the course of about 30 minutes, you’ll discuss what can be done to help, how often you’d be likely to come, and how much it is likely to cost.
That’s right – you’ll know up front roughly how much your plan of care is likely to cost.
Future visits will depend on your particular plan for care. Chiropractic adjustments can generally be done in ten minutes or less. Additional therapies add about 15 minutes to the appointment. Massage appointments and specialized therapies may run 30 minutes or more, depending on the patient and the plan for care.
That’s It?
For the most part. You’ll need to take an active role in your own health and follow the plan that you develop with Dr. Eric.
If you do, you should find that chiropractic care can be relaxing and stress-free, and that you may even look forward to your visits because of the relief that they can provide. Your health goals will soon be well within your reach.
Have more questions about what to expect? Give us a call today. (907) 357-6688
Mountain View Chiropractic | (907) 357-6688
Your health is in your hands. We are here to help.